The Royal Notables of Atlantia are specialists in a variety of disciplines who create support for others in their discipline. They take on the duty of creating support, resources, and opportunities for Atlantians to participate in their area of expertise. The position of Royal Notable is an honor as well as a job. Notables are selected by contests where individuals vie for the title in specific disciplines. The office of the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences has oversight of the selection of most Notables to ensure continuity.
Atlantia has six (6) Royal Notable positions organized under the MOAS office, two of which are new as of March 2024 (See this article in The Oak for details . Atlantia has three additional Royal Notables organized under different offices. The Royal Scrivener (Scribal specialty and serves only per reign) is organized by the Herald’s office, the Royal Archer (Archery specialty) and the First Sword (Rapier specialty) are both organized under the Marshall’s office.
Notable Positions organized under the MOAS office:
- Royal Brewer
- Royal Baker
- Royal Bard(s)
- Poeta Atlantia
- Royal Artisan (new as of March 2024)
- Royal Scientist (new as of March 2024)
Notables serve for a term of one year.
The competitions for MOAS Notables are held at the annual Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival (first weekend in March) unless otherwise requested by the current Notable and approved by the Crown. The one exception is the Royal Bard competition being held at Atlantia’s Twelfth Night event for many years by tradition.
Competitions are organized by the current Notable to find their replacement for the next year. The Notable creates the competition in such a way that the Crown selects the final winner. Atlantia Kingdom Law, Appendix E, states the following requirements for the Notable competitions:
Kingdom Royal Notable competitions are held annually at Kingdom Level Events, unless the Crown sees a need to do otherwise.
- Competitions shall be run by the current Kingdom Royal Notable, as a representative of the Crown, in consultation with the Crown and appropriate Great Officer of State, if applicable.
- If the Kingdom Royal Notable is unable to run the competition for their successor, the Crown, in consultation with the appropriate Great Officer of State, shall designate a proxy to run the competition.
- Competitions will be announced on the Kingdom Announcements List and in the Kingdom Newsletter’s or its’ electronic supplement at least twice before the event where the competition takes place
- The current Kingdom Royal Notable, in conjunction with the Crown and appropriate Great Officer of State shall set the details of the competition and judging standards
Judges should be drawn from the following:
- The Crown or their proxy
- The Heirs or their proxy
- The appropriate Great Officer of State or their proxy
- The current Royal Notable
- Additional judges may be chosen at the discretion of the Royal Notable
- It is recommended that there are at least three judges
- The Kingdom Royal Notable shall be chosen by the Crown
- Kingdom Royal Notables must be citizens of the Kingdom of Atlantia
For the full text of Appendix E of Atlantia Kingdom Law, scroll to the bottom of this page.
New Royal Notables should email the KMoAS to document the changeover (moas AT . The KMOAS forwards on the new names and contact information to the KMOAS Website Deputy for updating the Kingdom website (
The Notables organized by the KMOAS office are:
- Master Paganus Akritas (March 2025)
- poeta AT
Royal Artisan
- Lady Þorfinna Holludóttir (March 2025)
- royalartisan AT
- The Royal Artisan position is expected to support and create opportunities for artists in any discipline not already covered by an existing Notable.
- Master Lochlainn hua Rigbarddaind (March 2025)
- royalbaker AT
- Lady Anubh de Mona (January 2025)
- royalbard AT
- Lord Declan Mac Dockery (March 2025)
- royalbrewer AT
Royal Scientist
- Lord Alan MacFarlane (March 2025)
- royalscientist AT
- The Royal Scientist position is expected to support and create opportunities for exploring sciences of any kind within SCA scope.
Scrivener Royal — selected at each Coronation to serve the new Crown. Serves per reign. Organized by the Triton Herald’s office.
- Lord Gabrielle the Traveler (October 2024)
Historical Note: The Royal Notables contests have changed over time, rising and falling with the popularity of a particular art or activity. Their Majesties are free to add or delete the contest for a Notable as They see fit. For a list of past notables, see the Kingdom of Atlantia History page.
Full text of Atlantia Kingdom Law Appendix E for Royal Notables
Appendix E – Charter for the Kingdom Royal Notables
The Kingdom Royal Notables are selected for excellence in their field. They are expected to combine excellence of product or performance with a reasonable attempt at period materials and/or style.
E.1. Duties and Responsibilities of Kingdom Royal Notables
The Kingdom Royal Notables are expected to encourage the disciplines for which they are selected.
Suggested goals and duties are:
- Services in their discipline for the Crown
- Sponsoring at least two competitions in their field during their tenure
- Working with Branch Officers to encourage the growth of their discipline
- Teaching in such venues as are available and reasonable
E.2. Kingdom Royal Notables
The Kingdom Royal Notables are positions held in service to the Crown of Atlantia for the tenure of one year, except for the Scrivener Royal. All Kingdom Notables are overseen by the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences, with the exception of the Royal Archer and the First Sword of Atlantia, which fall under the Kingdom Earl Marshal, and the Scrivener Royal which falls under the Triton Herald.
E.2.1. The Royal Bard for excellence in the individual performance of any of the following fields: Singing, Instrumental music, Poetic rendition, Storytelling. The Royal Bard is encouraged to be proficient in at least two of these fields. One or two bards will serve at the same time, depending on the whim of the Crown.
E.2.2. The Royal Brewer for excellence in making beer, ale, mead, wine, or other period alcoholic beverages.
E.2.3. The Poeta Atlantia for excellence in composition of poetry in at least two period forms.
E.2.4. The Scrivener Royal for excellence in calligraphy and illumination, and acts as the personal scribe of the Crown. The Scrivener Royal shall serve a term of six months and the competition to choose a new Scrivener Royal shall be held at Coronation. The Scrivener Royal must work in close cooperation with the Clerk of the Signet, ensuring the Clerk Signet is aware of all scribal tasks that have been assigned by the Crown.
E.2.5. The Royal Baker for excellence in producing baked goods such as breads, cakes, pastries, and wafers. The baker shall be proficient in at least two period types of baking.
E.2.6. The Royal Artisan for excellence in any artistic medium not already represented by another notable.
E.2.7. The Royal Scientist (Alchemist) for excellence in any of the various period sciences not already represented by another notable.
E.2.8 The Royal Archer for their excellence on the archery ranges. The Royal Archer is to be chosen each year by right of arms. The outgoing Royal Archer shall conduct, and not participate in, an archery shoot open to all at an event where archery is the focus of the day. The top eight scoring archers from Atlantia at that archery event, who so choose to compete for the title, shall compete in a single elimination tournament. At the discretion of the Crown, the winner of the tournament shall become the new Royal Archer.
E.2.9. The First Sword of Atlantia for their excellence in rapier combat. The First Sword of Atlantia is to be chosen by right of arms and shall serve a term of one year. The competition to choose a new First Sword of Atlantia should be held within the first month after Fall Coronation after consultation with the new Crown. The First Sword of Atlantia shall conduct, and not participate in, a rapier tournament open to all at an event where rapier combat is a scheduled activity. At the discretion of the Crown, the winner of the tournament shall become the new First Sword of Atlantia.
E.3. Selection of a Kingdom Royal Notable
Kingdom Royal Notable competitions are held annually at Kingdom Level Events, unless the Crown sees a need to do otherwise.
- Competitions shall be run by the current Kingdom Royal Notable, as a representative of the Crown, in consultation with the Crown and appropriate Great Officer of State, if applicable
- If the Kingdom Royal Notable is unable to run the competition for their successor, the Crown, in consultation with the appropriate Great Officer of State, shall designate a proxy to run the competition
- Competitions will be announced on the Kingdom Announcements List and in the Kingdom Newsletter’s or its’ electronic supplement at least twice before the event where the competition takes place
- The current Kingdom Royal Notable, in conjunction with the Crown and appropriate Great Officer of State shall set the details of the competition and judging standards
- Judges should be drawn from the following:
- The Crown or their proxy
- The Heirs or their proxy
- The appropriate Great Officer of State or their proxy
- The current Royal Notable
- Additional judges may be chosen at the discretion of the Royal Notable
- It is recommended that there are at least three judges
- The Kingdom Royal Notable shall be chosen by the Crown
- Kingdom Royal Notables must be citizens of the Kingdom of Atlantia
E.4. Removal of a Kingdom Royal Notable
The Crown may remove a Kingdom Royal Notable at Their discretion. If the Kingdom Royal Notable is unable to complete his or her term or is removed early for any reason, the Crown shall direct the appropriate Great Officer of State to hold a competition at the next convenient Kingdom Level Event, or the Crown may choose a successor.