Chapter 3: Supporting Arts and Sciences

The Atlantian Arts & Sciences Handbook

There are many ways in which the local MoAS officer can support the arts and sciences in the local populace. They can offer feedback on questions about resources, contacts, and even how to create a persona. The MoAS may be requested to place a letter or article in the branch newsletter. A local branch may need the MoAS to oversee the arts and sciences displays and contests at events. The MoAS should recommend individuals for awards at the local and Kingdom level, as appropriate. As an officer, the MoAS is expected to relay information from the Kingdom Office to the local branch, and from the local branch to the Kingdom Office. The MoAS can also help to come up with new ideas for contests, displays, classes and other activities. The following information is provided to assist with the requirements of the office.

Working with Fellow Officers

The MoAS should make every attempt to attend the local business meetings, as being active within the branch is the only way to be an effective officer. If the MoAS cannot make the meeting, they must provide a written report for a proxy to read at the meeting. Not only should the MoAS report share local activities that will be occurring, but also relay any information that has come from the Kingdom Officer. This is also a good time to make the branch aware of any progress made by an individual, an award they have received, or a contest they won. In other words, use this time to provide encouragement and recognition for the people in the branch, but remember that each branch is different.

The MoAS is part of two teams. The first team is made up of local officers that assist with the administrative functions inherent in a branch. The second team is just as important and is the team of officers supporting the arts and sciences at the local, regional, kingdom, and society level. As such, the MoAS should be actively trying to see how to make the team members’ jobs easier in relation to their duties.

Tips for Working with Fellow Officers

  1. Keep the Seneschal informed. If there is a problem, let the Seneschal know immediately. No Seneschal enjoys nasty surprises or hysterical phone calls. Make sure to copy the local Seneschal on the reports to the regional and KMoAS so that they can stay informed.
  2. Ask the Chronicler what they would like to see in the newsletter. Discover if there is anything that one can encourage people in the branch to contribute. Send the Chronicler a monthly communiqué about upcoming activities and reporting on recent arts and sciences goings-on, which can be published in the officer reports section of the newsletter. Ensure that information about regular workshops and activities is kept up to date. Encourage the populace to submit cover artwork, articles, and other content to the Chronicler for publication on a regular basis.
  3. Work with the Web Minister also to ensure the accuracy of online information about upcoming arts and sciences workshops and activities to ensure the information conforms to the society’s social media policies. As with the Chronicler, the Web Minister may also be able to aid with creating an online gallery for display of the work of the branch’s artisans.
  4. The Chatelaine will be especially interested in working with the MoAS and the populace to host workshops of interest to newcomers. Garb-sewing workshops will likely be especially sought after because they are usually a person’s first foray into the world of arts and sciences. Communicate with the Chatelaine about newcomers’ arts and sciences interests, and how the MoAS can be of assistance to them. Keep an eye out for upcoming demos, and work with the Chatelaine on getting the branch’s artisans and craftspeople involved in demonstrating and displaying the work that they do. A well-coordinated Chatelaine/MoAS/marshallate team usually makes for a growing and thriving SCA branch.
  5. There will be some expenses for events. Check with the Exchequer first to make sure that the funds have been budgeted; one should never surprise the Exchequer with receipts.
  6. Talk to the Herald about combining projects, classes, and other activities to encourage heraldry and armorial display in the branch. Ask the Herald what they feel the branch needs by way of education in heraldry.
  7. Consider the Marshals and their activities. The branch could work on a project to assist the fighters such as hosting a workshop on how to construct armor, to paint heraldry on shields, and crafting banners. Ask the Marshal what kinds of field heraldry they would like to see at an event.
  8. Ask the Rapier Marshal if anything is needed such as armor or clothing for rapier combat, short capes, or hats. Inquire if there is any subject or historical martial art that they would like to see classes or workshops given.
  9. The Archery Marshal may be able to assist in encouraging period fletching, bow making, or creating other archery-related equipment. A leather-working class or workshop could appeal to the branch.
  10. If the branch is holding an event, make sure to see if the Autocrat expects anything from the arts and sciences office. Confirm that the Autocrat has considered arts and science activities and see if they need suggestions. Encourage the advertising of the event’s arts and sciences activities in the local and Kingdom newsletter and put out flyers.

The Barony/Canton/College/Shire Officers

As a baronial officer, the MoAS may also be dealing with various branches in the barony, cantons and/or colleges. Baronial officers, particularly those in baronies with cantons or colleges, can have special needs. Take the time to get to know the various arts and sciences officers within the barony. Many baronies are successfully setting up meetings at baronial events or on free weekends to just get together, plan, and help each other. There are two other offices that shire-level branches do not have. Those two offices are The Baronial Coronets[1]This would be the baron and baroness. and the Canton or College MoAS.

The Coronets

Baronial/canton/college officers should be in regular contact with the Baron(s) and/or Baroness(es). Make every attempt to find out what their goals are for the arts and sciences. Their support and enthusiasm for larger-scale and/or branch arts and sciences projects can be contagious with the populace, which will make the job much easier. Their wishes, in accordance with Kingdom Law, should be respected and honored and their input appreciated. Working with the Baron/Baroness can also give focus and ideas to unite the various branches within the barony for projects, events, and workshops.

A working relationship with landed Baron and Baroness is very important as they are the eyes, ears, and voice of the Crown. The baronage bestows the baronial level awards to the populace and can be an enormous help in getting recognition at the Kingdom level for worthy individuals. Most Barons/Baronesses, when asked, will appreciate concern for their wants and needs. They also will appreciate discrete suggestions of worthy individuals for baronial-level awards. However, recognize
that the ultimate decision rests with the baronage.

Cantons and Colleges

There are a few things to remember regarding the canton and college officers. The baronial officer is not in charge of the ministers of arts and sciences from the local branches in their barony. All arts and sciences officers are bound to Kingdom Law, representing their local branch and reporting to the Kingdom officer. However, the branches of the barony should be able to look to the baronial officer as a larger local resource and aid, just as all officers can look to their Kingdom officer for additional resources or ideas. The advantage of contacting the local MoAS, as their branch officer, is that the local MoAS is generally more familiar with the area and people than the Kingdom officer and they may see the local MoAS at events more frequently than they will see their Kingdom officer.

As a baronial officer, the MoAS may be asked to do some of the same things a local officer is asked to do, but on the baronial level, not the local branch level. One may also be asked to coordinate efforts between local branches, in the event of a baronial project, scriptorium, or other event. Work with these officers, include them in the plans, communicate with them, and select willing volunteers for deputies. Remember that one of the duties of a MoAS is to train replacements and there should be an experienced pool of officers in the local branches.

Award Recommendations

The MoAS should make every attempt to stay aware of the Arts & Sciences activities in the branch, and those who are practicing them. This is not only to encourage their endeavours, but also to bring their works to the attention of the Crown and/or Coronets, as appropriate, to be considered for award recognition.

Award recommendations can be made directly, in a letter to the Crown/Coronets, or on the Atlantian Award Recommendation Page (requires AEL login). Remember that the more specific that you can be about the reasons that you think they are worthy of recognition, the more weight the recommendation is likely to carry. A list of what awards a person already holds can be found on the Heralds’ Order of Precedence page.


1 This would be the baron and baroness.