Cultura Atlantia is a platform to promote Their Majesties’ preferred time period. Cultura Atlantia may be held in the Spring and Summer at Coronation.
When new Heirs are in place following Crown Tournament, Their Highnesses will be consulted to select Their choice of persona and/or cultural theme for Their reign, if They so desire. They may decline to hold a Cultura Atlantia. If one is planned, the theme should be announced as soon as possible. This will ensure that interested artisans will have ample time to create their works. The Cultura Atlantia format may be for display only or a contest to determine the outstanding entry. It will then be held at Their Highnesses’ coronation in celebration of this theme. The newly enthroned will determine the winners based on criteria of Their choosing, and They may invite others to advise Them in Their selection, if They wish.
The Cultura Atlantia theme for the reign of Abran and Anya involves:
- Anything from 13th c. Iberia.
- Anything related to astronomy, astrology, and the stars.
Individuals may bring as many items as they wish to participate in a Cultura Atlantia contest/exhibition. The only criteria will be that those items be from the cultural theme being highlighted for that particular reign. Members of the Orders of the Laurel and the Pearl, as well as other artisans and members of the populace are encouraged to make it a regular part of their event day to visit the display area and perhaps leave comments and/or tokens for participants.
If you want to participate but are unable to do so in person or have someone bring your entry to the event, please contact the Contests Deputy and the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences. We will try to accommodate you with an online option.
Contest Sponsorship: If you are interested in sponsoring a prize, contact the Deputy for Contests. Individuals, local groups, and guilds may sponsor specific prizes (For example: best piece of embroidery from the period being highlighted that day). The sponsor will work with the Deputy for Contests, and/or Their Highnesses, to determine how the winner will be selected. The sponsor must contact the Deputy for Contests to arrange for their sponsored prize at least three months before the date of the Coronation at which the contest will be held.
Information for Autocrats: If you are hosting an event where Cultura Atlantia will be held, you will need to consult with the Deputy for Contests to determine the needs for space, equipment, judges, etc.
Historical Note: Cultura Atlantia was started at the Spring Coronation of Christoph Krieger and Adelhait Fuchs in 2016.