Archive of The Oak

The first iteration of Atlantia’s A&S newsletter–The Oak–was published between 1989 and 2012. The Kingdom Ministry of Arts and Sciences provides this online archive of PDFs in order to preserve past work and to allow it to be referenced. It should be noted that some of this content has been superseded by later research and interpretation of pre-17th century subjects. Anything regarding contact information or office holders is too old to be of any use. There may be significant changes to rules, policy, and law governing SCA activities. As such, please use the materials judiciously. Please make allowances for the quality of the documents as these have been scanned in from available sources which were not necessarily of the best at the time of publication. Originals–or as close to them as possible–reside with the Kingdom Historian.

If you would like a copy of the PDF, please contact the Editor of The Oak (, the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences (, or the Kingdom Chronicler (

This archive presents a snapshot of the A&S community in Atlantia starting only a few years after the kingdom was founded and before the internet made access to and sharing of information so much more efficient. The Oak’s editors and contributors are to be congratulated and respected for their efforts to bring together a platform on which to generously share the knowledge and skills of Atlantia’s artists and scientists. The authors of the art and articles represent the variety and depth of knowledge in the A&S community, and their willingness to share it.

It is easy to forget – if you ever knew – just how much effort went into the creation of the print version of The Oak. Its editors not only had to solicit content, but put it together. It was begun in the infancy of desktop publishing and word processing. It had to be proofed and laid out to send to a printer. The printed copies had to be picked up from the printers. In order to save money, editors arranged parties of volunteers to fold, staple, and label the copies for mailing. Bulk mailings had to be sorted and taken to the Post Office during work hours. Moreover, all this cost money to produce. Editors made heroic efforts at fundraising.

This archive has been made possible by the generous help from Baroness Delia Flammen, Baron Dressel of Seven Bends, Master Findlaech mac Alasdair, Mistress Elisabeth MacAlester of Kintyre, Mistress Keilyn FitzWarin, Mistress Oriana of Xylina, Barone Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli, Mistress Karen Larsdatter, Mistress Nicolosa de Isenfir, and Baroness Dolce dei Brachii.

#1 – Winter/Spring A.S. XXIII (1989)

  • On Competing in the Arts and Sciences by Baroness Caitlin ni h’Arrachtain
  • A Survey of Historical Pigments Used in Medieval Manuscript Illumination by Master Owain ap Ioan
  • A comparison of the First Branch of the Mabinogi to Irish Tales by Lady Arafel Dylan of Caid
  • Pavanne de HRM Marie Simone: music by Lord Ruisseart Niall Stillbhard, text and dance by Mistress Clare de Crecy
  • On Medieval Cards and Card Games by Sir Dafydd ap Gwystl
  • How to Dress in a Kilt by Connell
  • Recipes from Medieval Sources by Lady Angharad ver Rhuawn
  • Making a Sparkling Mead of Grand Clarity by Sir Tojenareum Grenville of Devon
  • The History and Concoction of Writing Ink by Master Owain ap Ioan
  • A History of the Table Fork by Master Robbyyan Torr d’Elandris
  • Tablero de Jesus by Caterina de Forza d’Agro with thanks to Salamallah the Corpulent

#2 – Fall A.S. XXIV (1990)

  • The Art of the Veil by Duchess Aislinn Shattenwald
  • On Making a Shield Press by Baron Eldrid Tremayne
  • A Not-So-Dainty Dish by Duchess Caterina de Forza d’Agro
  • A Literary Approach to Writing Ballads by Lady Deirdre O’Siodhachain
  • Division of Labor in Medieval Manuscripts by Master Owain ap Ioan
  • Cauls by Mistress Clare de Crecy
  • A Quiz for the Current Middle Ages by Duke Gyrth Oldcastle
  • Poetry by Lady Elspeth du Chateau Gaillard
  • Recipes for the SCA by Lord Igor Medved known as Igor Bear
  • The Use and Display of Mon by Minowara Kiritsubo Sensei Sama

#3 – Fall A.S. XXVI (1991)

  • Medieval Metallurgy by Cedric of Thanet
  • The Spoils of War by Patience Devereux Grenville
  • Honor in the Italian Renaissance by Cedric of Thanet
  • A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Period Poetry by Deirdre O’Siodhachain
  • Societally Sauced by Fritz just Fritz

#4 – Winter A.S. XXVI (1992)

  • A Pair of Transportable, Take-Down Boxes by Master Robyyan Torr d’Elandris
  • Troubadours and Trouveres by Lady Ceridwen ferch Owain
  • The Practice of Courtly Love by Lady Deirdre O’Siodhachain
  • Thrusting Tip Construction by Master Robyyan Torr d’Elandris
  • By the Clash of Cold Steel by Lady Ceridwen ferch Owain
  • Around a Gypsy Fire by Lady Ceridwen ferch Owain
  • Mon Amour Brulant by Lady Ceridwen ferch Owain
  • My Burning Love by Lady Ceridwen ferch Owain

#5 – 1993

  • Mead in the SCA: Part 1 How to Get Started by Lord Terafan Greydragon
  • Fifteenth Century Visual Sources and Costume Research by Mistress Teleri Talgellawg
  • Introduction to Period Card Games by Count Dafydd ap Gwystl
  • Retell a Classic – Orpheus and Eurydice by Lady Deirdre O’Siodhachain
  • Some Period German Names by Lady Meghan ‘Kestral’ MacLachlan
  • Periodicals for Medievalists by Countess Elizabeth Beaufort

#6 – 1993

  • Honeysuckle Alman by Master Robyyan Torr d’Elandris
  • A Simple Gothic Bench by Sir Dafydd ap Gwystl (Errata in #7)
  • A Coronet of Sonnets by Duke Gyrth Oldcastle of Ravenspur
  • To Make a Tart by Mistress Angharad ver’ Rhuawn
  • Those Silly Saints by Lord William Conor MacLean
  • Addresses of Scribal Equipment Suppliers
  • Mistress Meghan ‘Kestral’ MacLachlan
  • More Period Card Games by Sir Dafydd ap Gwystl
  • Lausavisa for Mistress Deirdre by Keilyn FitzWarin

#7 – 1994

  • 15th and Early 16th C. Clothing and Headdress: A Review of Literature by Mistress Teleri Talgellawg
  • Distraint of Knighthood by Mistress Deirdre O’Siodhachain
  • Cambok! By Sir Dafydd ap Gwystl
  • Ein Flämischer Rosenkranz by Lord William Conor MacLean
  • “Dede als a dore-nayle” by Mistress Deirdre O’Siodhachain
  • A Simple Gothic Bench: Errata by Sir Dafydd ap Gwystl

#8 – 1995

  • Fourteenth Century Junket by Countess Elizabeth Beaufort
  • Oil Painting – The Materials by Master Daniel of Rutland
  • Thorbrandr Et Eorann by Baroness Ceridwen ferch Owain
  • The Order of the Rose in the Past and Present Middle Ages by Mistress Elisabeth MacAlester
  • An Elizabethan Low-Necked Shift by Lady Grace Gamble
  • The Nine Worthies by Mistress Deirdre O’Siodhachain
  • A Proper Tournament Fence by Sir Dafydd ap Gwystl

#9 – 1995

  • La Menagiere de Roxbury Mill by Duchess Melisande de Belvoir
  • An Order for the Laureation of Lord Galleron de Cressy by Mistress Alys Gardner
  • Cloth Button by Mistress Grace Gamble
  • Documentation and Beyond by Mistress Teleri Talgellawg
  • The Medieval Chest 800-1600 by Sir Dafydd ap Gwystl
  • Six Virtues of Chivalry by Mistress Deirdre O’Siodhachain

#10 – 1997

  • Mineral Pigments Part 1: Mineral Identification by Mistress Meghan ‘Kestral’ MacLachlan
  • An Elizabethan Shirt Instruction by Mistress Grace Gamble
  • The Moral of Our Tale: The Function of Allegory by Mistress Deirdre O’Siodhachain
  • An Epilogue in Alexandrines for an Allegorical Play Unwritten by Mistress Deirdre O’Siodhachain
  • Candied Rosemary by Lady Helen Whitemore
  • From the Editor by Lady Elisabeth MacAlester of Kintyre

#11 – 1997

  • Mineral Pigments Part II: Mineral Procurement by Mistress Meghan ‘Kestral’ McLachlan
  • Abelard and Heloise: A True and Tragic Love Story from 25th Century France by Mistress Deirdre O’Siodhachain
  • A Poem in Honor of Master Dafydd ap Gwystl by Duke Gyrth Oldcastle of Ravenspur
  • The Finishing Touch, or Wrapped Buttons c. 1600-1620 by Lady Aileen McDonagh
  • The Origins and Antecedents of Italian Renaissance Cuisine by Minowara Kiritsubo-Sensei
  • Der Kunst des Fechtens (The Art of Fighting) Part I by Sir Strykar Geirhaldsson
  • The Momoyama Kosode by Awashima Kanoe-Sama
  • Letter to the Editor from Master Daniel of Rutland

#12 – 1998

  • A Carpenter’s Chest: Tools of the Fifteenth Century by Lord Findlaech mac Alasdair
  • Cartwheels of the Devils’ Chariot of Price – by Lady Beatrice Brandon
  • Ah, Love: A Tenson by Baroness Aileen McDonough
  • Pagan Wheat and Payne Ragon by Mistress Helen Whitmore
  • Still More Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Card Games by Earl Dafydd ap Gwystl
  • Der Kunst des Fechtens (The Art of Fighting): Part II by Sir Strykar Geirhaldsson
  • A Contrafacti by THL Bryce de Byram
  • From the Editor by Lady Elisabeth MacAlester of Kintyre

#13 – 1998

  • Playing at Bowls by Earl Dafydd ap Gwystl
  • Women of Peace and War: The Role of European Women at the Siege of Acre by Lady Karen Larsdatter
  • A Period Laurel Ceremony by Mistress Deirdre O’Siodhachain
  • Spain, the Early Years: Costume of the Visigoths, Mozarabes, and the Northern Christian Kingdoms by Mistress Jessamyn di Piemonte
  • Bibliography of Spanish Costume by Mistress Jessamyn di Piemonte
  • Atlantia’s Colors as they Appear Emblazoned by Lady Aileen McDonagh

#14 – 1999

  • Variations in Late Fifteenth-Century Style: The Marie de Bourgogne Gown by Lady Alianora Munro
  • Chevalier, Mult Estes Guariz by Master Bryce de Byram
  • Prince Arthur Tudor’s Cap: A 15th Century Knitted/Felted Cap Pattern by Lady Branwen Madyn Wallis
  • Inviting Greyhounds to Your Event by Lady Cari Kyst
  • On Making Medieval Bombards by Lord Gawain Kilgore
  • How to Make a Mosaic Table by Lady Caitlin Cheannlaidir
  • Letter from the Editor by Lady Cassandra the Forlorn

#15 – Fall A.S. XXXV – 2000

  • The Test of the Five Senses by Mistress Deirdre O’Siodhachain
  • A Coronation Luncheon and Feast by Minowara Kiritsubo-sensei
  • A Sixteenth Century Italian Tassel by Mistress Elisabeth MacAlester of Kintyre
  • Elizabethan Raised Embroidery by Lady Branwen Madyn Wallis
  • Letter from the Editor by Lady Cassandra the Forlorn

#16 – Spring A.S.XXXVI – 2001

  • Viking Runes, or Halfdan Was Here! By Master Finnr Grimulfsson
  • Tardpolane: A Thirteenth Century Fruit Tart by Lady Alianora Munro
  • Campidoctoris Storvicensis: A Tournament Entrant’s Poem by Dom Pedro de Alcazar
  • Playford’s “Secret” Dances: The Old Mole (Longways for 6) by Lord Edvard Gayer
  • Earl Dafydd’s Pavilino by Lady Sorcha de Glys (Errata in #17)
  • From the Editor by Master Findlaech mac Alasdair

#17 – 2001

  • The Padded Roll: A Versatile 15th Century Hat by Lady Brighid nic Thighearnáin
  • The Beginning Illuminator or The Clerk Signet Needs You! By Mistress Deirdre O’Siodhachain
  • A 12th Century Olive Oil Soap Recipe by Lady Rebecca the Contrary
  • Medieval Woodworking: A Few Frequently Asked Questions by Master Findlaech mac Alasdair
  • Earl Dafydd’s Pavilino: Errata
  • From the Editor by Master Findlaech mac Alasdair

#18 – 2002

  • Clothes on the Great Bed of Ware – by Mistress Elisabeth MacAlester of Kintyre
  • The Persona Pentathlon: A Broadening of Horizons – by Mistress Guiliana Salviati (formerly Muireann ni Riordain)
  • Cloth Widths in the Middle Ages: A Preliminary Look at the Evidence by Mistress Mairghread in Eyverksa
  • A Scroll or Not A Scroll? by Mistress Deirdre O’Siodhachain
  • Making a Tusk Tenon for Knockdown Furniture by Master FIndlaech mac Alasdair
  • From the Editor by Master Findlaech mac Alasdair

#19 – Summer A.S. XXXIX – 2004

  • Making an Entrance by Mar Yaakov MaMzrachi
  • Tips & Tricks to Ease Your Weaving of Narrow Wares by Princess Rachel Wallace
  • The Method to the Madness: Creating Glass in the Medieval Period
  • Hose in the 16th Century by Lady Melisant Saint-Clair
  • Ma Bele Amor by Lord Olsk Buslavl
  • Two Basic Black Inks by Lady Rebekah of Samandar
  • The Feast Day of Saint Fortunatus by Friar Thomas Broadpaunch
  • Silkwomen of the Later Middle Ages by Baroness Morgana de Mont-St-Michel
  • Advice to a Prince by Lord Jonathan Blackbow
  • 9th-11th Century Norse Combs by Lord Danr Bjornsson
  • From the Editor by Prudence Catesby

#20 – Autumn A.S. XL – 2005

  • I Saw Upon the Pier One Day by Lord Dunstan le Heryngmongere
  • In Black and White: Period Legal Documents by Mistress Deirdre O’Siodhachain
  • Personifications of Love in The Parliament of Fowls by Lady Angharad MacIvar of Stirling
  • Oliveres Wordes to Patrick His Brother Upon the Wey to Golden Moone by Lord Olivier de Bayonne
  • Care and Feeding of a Medieval Crossbow by Lord Siegfried Sebastian Faust
  • Ivan, the Firebird, and the Three Gods by Lady Katerina Sina Samovicha
  • Tenth Century Norse Drinking Horn Fittings by Hersir Danr Bjornsson
  • The Original SCA? By Master John le Burguillun
  • Ever Onward by Lady Ambra Michelli

After issue #20, The Oak went to online only production.

Issue 21

  • “Vagabonds, Poor Laws & Coney-Catchers” by John le Burguillun
  • “Lokke Atte Quen Rachel Wham We Serve: A Poem in Honor of Queen Rachel” by Dunstan le Heryngmongere
  • “‘These Things Come From The Terrestrial Paradise’: Spices and Their Use in 14th and 15th Century France” by Guenièvre de Montmarché
  • “Achille Marozzo – A Brief Overview” by Rosalind Delamere
  • “From the Anachronistic Side: Digby Cakes with Splenda®” by Tirloch of Tallaght

Issue 22

  • “Leavened Spice Breads in the Middle Ages” by Helwynn Ivelchild
  • “The Fourteenth Century Kitchen — A Guided Tour” by Minowara Kiritsubo
  • “The Protégé’s Lament” by Dunstan le Heryngmongere
  • “Atlantia Faire” by Rosalind Jehanne, Dunstan le Heryngmongere, Edward
  • Shirebrooke, and Brianna O Duinn

Issue 23

  • “Taillis, Dried-Fruit Pudding (from The Viandier of Taillevent)” by Belphoebe de Givet
  • “Iron gall ink: A brief discussion of its use and properties” by Lucia Bellini
  • “The Fire Across the River: Tactics for Combat Archers from the Senryaku” by Morien MacBain

Issue 24

  • “A Debate Between Hope and Despair” by Ruaidhri an Cu
  • “Bruce and the Spider” by Ruaidhri an Cu
  • “Chinese, Turkic and Near Eastern Influences on Mongolian Court Cuisine of the 14th Century” by Minowara Kiritsubo

Issue 25

  • “Melinoe” by Ambra Michelli
  • “Wake of the Crusade: The Flip Side of the Crusaders’ Song” by Elishabeth de Avignon
  • “Unjoynt that Turkey and Serve it Forth” by Johnnae llyn Lewis

Issue 26

  • “Spike: A Unicornate Seahorse Token for Fall Coronation and Decoration” by Christopher MacConing
  • “Developments in Japanese Cuisine During the Kamakura Period” by Brenainn MacShuibne
  • “Feast Song for Baroness Agnes Daunce” by Cassandra Arabella Giordani

Issue 27

  • “Early 16th Century Heraldic Domestic Windows” by Rhonwen verch Tuder
  • “Worm Castles: Ship’s Biscuits in the SCA” by William “Cookie” Barfoot
  • “Decoding the Mysteries of Documentation” by Belphoebe de Givet

Past Editors of The Oak print editions:

  • #1 Winter/Spring 1989 Fritz just Fritz
  • #2 Fall 1990 Fritz just Fritz
  • #3 Fall 1991 Fritz just Fritz
  • #4 Winter 1992 Muirgen of Caer Dubh
  • #5 1993 Dafydd ap Gwystl
  • #6 1993 Dafydd ap Gwystl
  • #7 1994 Dafydd ap Gwystl
  • #8 1995 Dafydd ap Gwystl
  • #9 1997 Elisabeth MacAlester
  • #10 Spring 1997 Elisabeth MacAlester
  • #11 1997 Elisabeth MacAlester
  • #12 1998 Elisabeth MacAlester
  • #13 1998 Cassandra the Forlorn
  • #14 1999 Cassandra the Forlorn
  • #15 2000 Cassandra the Forlorn
  • #16 Spring 2001 Findlaech mac Alasdair
  • #17 Fall 2001 Findlaech mac Alasdair
  • #18 2002 Findlaech mac Alasdair
  • #19 2004 Prudence Catesby
  • #20 2005 Prudence Catesby

Past Editors of The Oak online editions:

  • #21 2006 Prudence Catesby
  • #22 2007 Prudence Catesby
  • #23 2008 Prudence Catesby
  • #24 2009 Prudence Catesby
  • #25 2010 Prudence Catesby
  • #26 2011 Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli
  • #27 2012 Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli
  • #28 August 2022 Deirdre O’Siodhachain

New Editor is Baroness Sophia Orange!
New Deputy Editor for Content is Lady Mariana Ruiz de Medina