Looms & Weaving
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Documentat ion for an Anglo-Saxo n dress, describing all steps of the process, including spinning and dyeing the yarn, and weaving the cloth.
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This is a partial list of books I have found helpful in my research of weaving, spinning and dyeing. This list is not comprehensive and reflects my focus: weaving, spinning, and natural dyeing.
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For Atlantians interested in weaving in any form -- finger, tablet, backstrap, rigid heddle, floor loom or anything in between.
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A history of medieval Italian textiles and their production .
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This is a catalog of extant textiles found in my own research on Medieval textiles. The catalog is an accumulati on research in primarily Persian, Roman and Anglo-Saxo n textiles. The catalog includes museum and book references and as many images as are available.
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The loom you choose will determine how well you like weaving as well as what you weave. There are many different types of looms and many reputable manufactur es.
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Descriptions of looms and garments woven on them BCE to 10th century CE.
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Cotswold Museum Service cares for around one and a half million archaeolog ical and social history objects in the Council 9;s collection s. Many of the objects are displayed at the recently refurbishe d and extended Corinium Museum, Cirenceste r.
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See The Collection s to search for items. |
The East Kingdom of the SCA has a nascent fiber arts guild. Topics covered are varied and diverse. We are spinners, knitters, weavers, naalbinders, dyers, felters and others and we're interested in flax, wool, cotton, silk, hemp and nettle. And if you're carving spindles and you want to talk to people who would use them, you're welcome too!
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Flinkhand: Mittelalterliche Handarbeiten, historische Hintergründe und Anleitungen zum SelbermachenIncludes patterns and techniques for tablet-weaving, embroidery, handstitching, nalbinding, handspinning, and more.
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Middle Kingdom Textile Artisan Guild for various fiber artisans: baskets, embroidery , knitting, sprang, spinning, weaving, dyeing. Papers and projects.
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This is a very simple frame loom. It's easy to make and use and is a great introduction to weaving. To make this loom you will need to following.
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being a handweaver 's bibliograp hy of sources for technical informatio n on divers weaves and setts of the Roman Empire, Middle Ages, and Renaissanc e
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A group of medieval re-enactors who are also spinners, weavers and dyers. Here we can discuss the various ways of spinning, weaving and dyeing using authenic methods and the types of sheep breeds that would have been around at that time.
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Richly colored gold or silver metallic trim is the best modern commercial analogue for brocaded tablet-weaving, and, fortunately for us early period types, almost every trim merchant carries a selection of it.
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An ongoing site with articles and links on Fiber Arts as they apply to the Middle Ages and the SCA.
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This page was originally created as a way to make my class handouts available to more people. It's grown a bit: this page now contains how-to information, photographs and resources lists for a wide variety of textile techniques. I have specialized in historical textile techniques, especially those like braiding and tablet weaving that can produce very complicated structures with minimal equipment. I'm also interested in popularizing obscure techniques like sprang and naalbinding.
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The weaving industry in Anglo-Saxon and Viking England.
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There were many ways of weaving narrow fabrics for girdles, leg bindings, borders, and decorative braids. We can say little about the looms, for if their warp was stretched between the weaver's belt and a tree or table leg there would be no archaeological trace.
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The quality of Viking and Anglo-Saxon cloth.
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Photos of the plates and lacing made for a re-creatio n of samurai armor.
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Share information on early/Middle Ages/Renaissance weaving and its re-creation. Includes re-creation in the SCA, but anyone with an interest in medieval/Renaissance weaving is very welcome. Floor loom, table loom, warp-weighted loom, tapestry, etc.
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For those who spin their own yarn to use in weaving.
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Weaving, types of cloth. Weaving techniques.
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A class handout with an overview of medieval needlework & textile techniques, with an extensive bibliography.
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On the creation of a replica hood. Covers: Making a warp-weighted loom; the pattern of the woven cloth; tablet woven and narrow bands; instructions making the broad band with fringe; and assembly.
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An information page for weavers! Specifically for those interested in Tablet Weaving, Kumihimo, and Ply-splitting, but peruse the links if your interests lie elsewhere.
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My goal was to make a practical garment from the sheep out. That meant spinning, dyeing, weaving, finishing, sewing, and embellishi ng the garment. It also meant researchin g constructi on and methodolog y - what was done, and how it was done.
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Links to images of looms and weavers at work from the 12th-16th centuries. Includes backstrap looms, band looms, tablet-wea ving looms, box looms, floor looms, and rigid heddle looms.
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Many extant pieces of woven cloths on view.
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History and basic usage of a rigid heddle loom.
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Category Stats
Subcategories: 6
Listings: 37 (122 counting subcategories)
Regular: 37
Last listing added: 03/15/18
Listings: 37 (122 counting subcategories)
Regular: 37
Last listing added: 03/15/18