15th Century
1 Related category: Other Living History/Authenticity-Oriented Reenactment » Tournament Companies (5)
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The militia of Amiens during the reign of Jean sans Peur (1404-1419 )
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Reconstructs how an Italian mercenary group of soldiers used to live in the Romagna area between 1475 and 1495.
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Italian reenactmen t group focused on the Middle Ages in Campania, including the era of the Norman Conquest, the reign of Frederick II, and the end of the 15th century.
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A Breton encampment during the reign of Duke François II.
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Late 15th century mounted soldiery.
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A pair of re-enactors who re-create various items and lifestyles of c. 1250, c. 1350, and c. 1475.
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Life in Hamburg between 1375 and 1425.
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Reenacts scenarios and the life of a medieval military camp. We have chosen to limit ourselves to the years 1364-1412.
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Medieval life and culture in Tyrol around 1400.
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Reconstructing and representing Tyrol, especially the life of the nobleman Ulrich von Starkenberg who died in 1436.
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The House of Bayard is a 15th century medieval re-enactment and living history society.
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Military life and artillery from 1450 to 1525.
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Re-enactment of daily life in the late 15th century mainstream Europe.
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Everyday life of soldiers in the service of Rene II, duke of Lorraine.
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Medieval life and its culture of property, mainly in the old Tyrolean area of the late 14th and beginning 15th century.
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A Portuguese living history group covering the 10th-15th centuries.
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We primarily portray Scottish life during the late fifteenth century, but we also re-enact the period of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce (1297-1329 ) and that of the Jacobite era of 1745-1746.
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Soper Lane is a group of women who have studied the working lives of 15th century silkwomen. Their website has examples of their work in textiles and ''narrow wares.''
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A small late medieval 15th century military company of castle garrison with its attendant craftsmen and their families.
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A medieval re-enactment society portraying Brothers, Sergeants and Lay Brethren of a minor (fictional) military order, during the period 1346 to 1485.
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Category Stats
Subcategories: 3
Listings: 39 (58 counting subcategories)
Regular: 39
Last listing added: 03/15/18
Listings: 39 (58 counting subcategories)
Regular: 39
Last listing added: 03/15/18