Tanning Leather
Includes the following articles: "Dyeing in Greece," "The Roman Dyers," "Dress and Dress Materials in Greece & Rome," "Greek and Roman Tanners," and "Historical Gleanings."
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The original proposal for the research and publicatio n of the large assemblage of leather artefacts and leatherwor king evidence from four sites in Anglo-Scan dinavian and medieval York specified that the work be undertaken in two distinct stages:
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Stage 1: completion of the archive and preparatio n of a detailed publicatio n synopsis. Stage 2: analysis, research and publicatio n. The initial data gathering and quantifica tion has been successful ly completed and this document represents the detailed publicatio n synopsis, work programme and timetable necessary for the completion of stage 2. |
A bibliograp hy of sources on several leatherwor king-relat ed subjects compiled from the catalogue of the specialist library collection at the Walsall Leather Museum.
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The characteristics of leather were just as important then as they are today: flexibility, strength and durability.
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How to tan leather. Types of tanning.
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In the predominan tly agrarian economy of sixteenth- and seventeent h-century England, the most important industries were associated with agricultur e. Contempora ries usually took the leather industry for granted, with the result that historians have largely ignored it. Yet there are grounds for regarding this industry as second or third only to the manufactur e of woolen cloth as an industrial occupation .
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Listings: 7
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Last listing added: 01/18/38
Regular: 7
Last listing added: 01/18/38