| The Royal Bard is selected for excellence in the individual performance of any of the following fields: singing, instrumental music, poetic rendition, storytelling, or other performing arts. The Royal Bard is encouraged to be proficient in at least two of these fields. One or two bards will serve at the same time, depending on the whim of the Crown.
The Royal Bard may be reached at: RoyalBard@atlantia.sca.org
Royal Bards of Atlantia:
Lady Nezhka Orshinaia (Rose Bard) & Hákon Hábrok (Crown Bard) (January 2021)
Elenor de la Rochelle alias Ela & Lord Gideon ap Stephen (January 2020)
Faye de Trees (January 2019)
Lanea inghean Ui Chiaragain (January 2019)
Richard Wynn (January 2018)
Harper An Cu (January 2017)
Ruaidhri An Cu & Gideon ap Stephan
Johann von Solothurn
Scholastica Joycours
Adriana du Chesne
Giovanna Maria di Ghiberti
John of Fordington
Imran Yosuf le Scorpion
Eowyn merch Glyndwr ap Rhys ap Tewdwr
Volodomir of Cambion
Ruiseart Niall Stilbhard
James of Rutland
Helena Aureliana
Gwaeddon of the Vale of Llangollen
Niall MacFarlane & Julitta des Chevaux
John of Fordington
Bryce de Byram
James of Rutland
Bryce de Byram
Efenwealt Wystle
Eogan Og MacLaren
Ysolt la Bretonne
Ruaidhri an Cu
Eleanor Percy
Ruaidhri an Cu
Deirdre O’Bardon
Ruaidhri an Cu
Eleanor Percy
Justus fils de Ternon
Dunstan LeHeryngmongere
Ambra Michelli & Fennic du Blayz
Gracia Esperanca de Sevilla & Elishabeth de Avignon
Adrianna du Chesne & Talitha of Avalon
Justus de Tyre & Rosanella Vespucci
Dervila ni Leanon
Giovan Donado
Adriana du Chesne
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