![](../images/andschampionleft.png?height=320&width=231) | The Royal Armorer should assist the King and his retinue with armor to protect them in battle. Strong with steel and flexible with leather, the vestments of a King ensure a strong and beating heart to lead his warriors!
Royal Armorers: -
Michael of Bedford
Jason Michael
Karl von Nordmark
Joseph of Claridge
Armand MacRobert
Rufus Barbarossa
Alexander of Cumberland
Thorbrandr Olafssen (1990)
Eldrid Tremayne (February 1991)
Rinaldo Leto Diego
Thjora Arnkitelsdottir (November 1994)
Lyanna ferch Gwynhelek (February 1996)
Heinrich von Kreiner (May 1997)
Thorbrandr Olafssen (February 1999)
James Byngham (April 2000)
Roland de Mounteney (July 2001 – September 2002)
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